Yearly Archives: 2014

19 11, 2014

Today’s 3D Printing is not the same as Star Trek’s Replicator

2020-03-25T16:17:28+00:00November 19th, 2014|3D Printing|

Thanks to TV shows like the recent episode of Person Of Interest, we feel it's our responsibility to say that while 3D printing is pretty awesome, it does have limitations that the media rarely mentions. For example 3D printing alone cannot make a functioning tablet or iPad with a build in camera and access to [...]

13 11, 2014

Inventor Who Changed Kitchens Everywhere dies at age of 99

2016-03-08T14:47:52+00:00November 13th, 2014|Uncategorized|

Donald Stookey was a scientist with Corning Glass Works in the 1950's and accidentally invented what we know know as CorningWare dishes. Dr. Stookey invented synthetic glass ceramics which is now has many new uses in addition to glass stove tops.

30 09, 2014

The ‘Dark Side’ of protecting your intellectual property

2019-05-14T16:01:01+00:00September 30th, 2014|Tips & Tricks|

Fans and inventors, take note... even George Lucas isn't infallible when it comes to intellectual property. In 2006 the prop designer of the Stormtrooper helmets, Andrew Ainsworth of the UK who was selling helmets made off of his original molds, was sued and to lost Lucasfilms as having committed infringement on their intellectual property. Despite [...]

8 09, 2014

3D Prototype meets Two Dragon’s from the Den

2020-03-25T16:17:28+00:00September 8th, 2014|3D Prototyping, Events|

Had the good fortune this weekend at TIFF to Meet Dragons' Den David Chilton and Michael Wekerle. CBC was recording an interview that was open to an intimate group of approx. 70 people at this years TIFF festival. We sat front and center to take in all their great words of advice and perspectives on [...]

21 08, 2014

Replacing Body Parts with 3D Printing Technology

2016-03-08T18:40:16+00:00August 21st, 2014|Uncategorized|

Although 3D Printing and rapid prototyping technology has been able to build replacement bones for several years now with titanium, the FDA recently approved replacement facial device. To learn more follow the link below.

20 08, 2014

Great Canadian Invention, The Gleener

2020-03-25T16:17:28+00:00August 20th, 2014|Inventions|

I recently met on-line the inventor of a great product, the Gleener Fuzz Remover "fabric shaver that doesn't require batteries. Safe on fabrics, with no pulls or tears. One side removes lint, the other removes fabric pulls." Thing thing really works!!!! So I wrote a stellar review on Canadian Tire's site and contacted this Montreal/Canadian [...]

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