Several of our new 3D Printing customers have been sharing with us how much they value the fact that 3D Prototype Design can be contacted by phone or email and then receive such a quick response by a real rapid prototyping expert.
One customer even went so far as to share a story with us about a competitor’s website and his experience. He mentioned the only form of communication available to him was by email that they would respond to in 24 hours. When he got his scripted response back the next day to his detailed and well thought out email, it was easy to see that they didn’t even read it. His worry was that if they couldn’t offer a phone number or answer an email properly, then what where the chances of getting his custom order not only on time, but also to his specifications?
From our perspective, it’s interesting to hear how others treat potential and existing customers as we only know of one way… and that’s by providing excellent, reliable and responsive customer service, and available when you need answers and your prototypes, now.