So far you have read about how nylon 12-equivalent material makes your prototypes and models versatile and long lasting, but rapid prototype products created from our material also allow your models to exhibit finer details than many other materials.

Creating prototypes from materials that are less expensive and more brittle means that parts that have a lot of detail, perforations or small protrusions tend to snap and break much easier. With our nylon material though, these areas are just as strong and flexible as thicker parts, meaning that no matter how specialized or delicate your model may look, it will have the same properties as more robust objects. This means there are fewer limits to what objects you can order, display and test as a 3D prototype.

Since the more delicate, intricate parts are often the ones that need more testing because they have more room for error, it is especially important to have strong, reliable prototypes in these situations. With our material, you won’t have to discover costly mistakes later or deal with frustration over broken models. We get it right the first time.